Kanye West Says Planned Parenthood does the ‘Devil’s Work’

by The Blast

Planned Parenthood unborn babies are not human but their body parts are
Planned Parenthood unborn babies are not human but their body parts are

Planned Parenthood says Kanye West was ignorant when claiming they were placed in cities by white supremacists to “do the devil’s work.”Kanye recently spoke to Forbes for a four-hour rambling interview where he spoke about his Presidential run, him no longer supporting Trump, and his view on Planned Parenthood.

He said he believes Planned Parenthood “have been placed inside cities by white supremacists to do the Devil’s work.” On abortion, he said, “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the bible. (Read more from “Kanye West Says Planned Parenthood Does the ‘Devil’s Work‘” HERE)

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Source: Restoring Liberty