COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere

The Global Extermination Agenda
The Global Extermination Agenda


Seventeen equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries were studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay), which comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages), virtually every COVID-19 vaccine type and manufacturer, and span 4 continents.

In the 17 countries, there is no evidence in all-cause mortality (ACM) by time data of any beneficial effect of COVID-19 vaccines. There is no association in time between COVID-19 vaccination and any proportionate reduction in ACM. The opposite occurs.

All 17 countries have transitions to regimes of high ACM, which occur when the COVID-19 vaccines are deployed and administered. Nine of the 17 countries have no detectable excess ACM in the period of approximately one year after a pandemic was declared on 11 March 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO), until the vaccines are rolled out (Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay).

Unprecedented peaks in ACM occur in the summer (January-February) of 2022 in the Southern Hemisphere, and in equatorial-latitude countries, which are synchronous with or immediately preceded by rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts (3rd or 4th doses). This phenomenon is present in every case with sufficient mortality data (15 countries). Two of the countries studied have insufficient mortality data in January- February 2022 (Argentina and Suriname).

Detailed mortality and vaccination data for Chile and Peru allow resolution by age and by dose number. It is unlikely that the observed peaks in all-cause mortality in January-February 2022 (and additionally in: July-August 2021, Chile; July-August 2022, Peru), in each of both countries and in each elderly age group, could be due to any cause other than the temporally associated rapid COVID-19-vaccine-booster-dose rollouts.
Likewise, it is unlikely that the transitions to regimes of high ACM, coincident with the rollout and sustained administration of COVID-19 vaccines, in all 17 Southern-Hemisphere and equatorial-latitude countries, could be due to any cause other than the vaccines.

Synchronicity between the many peaks in ACM (in 17 countries, on 4 continents, in all elderly age groups, at different times) and associated rapid booster rollouts allows this 3 firm conclusion regarding causality, and accurate quantification of COVID-19-vaccine toxicity.

The all-ages vaccine-dose fatality rate (vDFR), which is the ratio of inferred vaccine-induced deaths to vaccine doses delivered in a population, is quantified for the January-February 2022 ACM peak to fall in the range 0.02 % (New Zealand) to 0.20 % (Uruguay). In Chile and Peru, the vDFR increases exponentially with age (doubling approximately every 4 years of age), and is largest for the latest booster doses, reaching approximately 5 % in the 90+ years age groups (1 death per 20 injections of dose 4). Comparable results occur for the Northern Hemisphere, as found in previous articles (India, Israel, USA).

We quantify the overall all-ages vDFR for the 17 countries to be (0.126 ± 0.004) %, which would imply 17.0 ± 0.5 million COVID-19 vaccine deaths worldwide, from 13.50 billion injections up to 2 September 2023. This would correspond to a mass iatrogenic event that killed (0.213 ± 0.006) % of the world population (1 death per 470 living persons, in less than 3 years), and did not measurably prevent any deaths.

The overall risk of death induced by injection with the COVID-19 vaccines in actual populations, inferred from excess all-cause mortality and its synchronicity with rollouts, is globally pervasive and much larger than reported in clinical trials, adverse effect monitoring, and cause-of-death statistics from death certificates, by 3 orders of magnitude (1,000-fold greater).

The large age dependence and large values of vDFR quantified in this study of 17 countries on 4 continents, using all the main COVID-19 vaccine types and manufacturers, should induce governments to immediately end the baseless public health policy of prioritizing elderly residents for injection with COVID-19 vaccines, until valid risk-benefit analyses are made.


RELATED: All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: clinical management guidance for healthcare professionals

Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination
Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination


Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: clinical management guidance for healthcare professionals

Updated 21 March 2022

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), in partnership with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM), has produced this clinical guidance to support the detection and management of clinical cases of myocarditis and pericarditis associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination.

It is a living document and will be reviewed and updated as further data becomes available.


Background to myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination and guidelines:

  • this is a very rare condition following vaccination (see the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) weekly summary for the latest data)
  • most patients who develop symptoms do so within a week of vaccination
  • patients who develop symptoms have usually been vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna)
  • myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination is usually mild or stable and patients typically recover fully without medical treatment
  • myocarditis – a very small number of those with this condition have been admitted to hospital. In 2 studies from the US [footnote 1] [footnote 2], significant left ventricular (LV) fibrosis has been described in a high percentage of those children admitted to hospital, with a small percentage of these having non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT)
    • no long-term follow-up data is available yet on hospitalised patients
    • diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis should follow published international guidelines
    • the majority of cases appear to be mild and self-limiting; any acutely ill or unstable patients should be referred to hospital directly
    • the long-term consequences of this condition secondary to vaccination are yet unknown, so any screening recommendations need to be balanced against the frequency and severity of the disease with the aim to prevent complications, in particular of myocarditis (arrhythmias, long term myocardial damage or heart failure)

Source: GOV.UK  – The UK Health Security Agency –

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The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing

ICU Doctor describes nightmarish COVID-19 vaccine injuries in letters to FDA, CDC, lawyer says agencies haven’t replied
ICU Doctor describes nightmarish COVID-19 vaccine injuries in letters to FDA, CDC, lawyer says agencies haven’t replied

By GünterKampf

High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type [1]. In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older [2]. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27. October 2021 (Figure 1) providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission. A similar situation was described for the UK. Between week 39 and 42, a total of 100.160 COVID-19 cases were reported among citizens of 60 years or older. 89.821 occurred among the fully vaccinated (89.7%), 3.395 among the unvaccinated (3.4%) [3]. One week before, the COVID-19 case rate per 100.000 was higher among the subgroup of the vaccinated compared to the subgroup of the unvaccinated in all age groups of 30 years or more. In Israel a nosocomial outbreak was reported involving 16 healthcare workers, 23 exposed patients and two family members. The source was a fully vaccinated COVID-19 patient. The vaccination rate was 96.2% among all exposed individuals (151 healthcare workers and 97 patients). Fourteen fully vaccinated patients became severely ill or died, the two unvaccinated patients developed mild disease [4]. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies four of the top five counties with the highest percentage of fully vaccinated population (99.9–84.3%) as “high” transmission counties [5]. Many decisionmakers assume that the vaccinated can be excluded as a source of transmission. It appears to be grossly negligent to ignore the vaccinated population as a possible and relevant source of transmission when deciding about public health control measures.

Read full text: The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

Source: The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

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Doctors for Covid ethics: An interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the call

Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination
Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination

Source 1: Doctors for Covid Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the Call
Source 2: Covid-19 Symposium Program – D4CE and UK Column, December 10, 2021
Source 3: Symposium I

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Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 vaccines under micro-Raman spectroscopy

Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 vaccines under micro-Raman spectroscopy

By Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration.

By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphenelike appearance under optical microscopy.

Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the
remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.
This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion.

We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization.

Detection of Graphene in COVID-19 vaccines under micro-Raman spectroscopy

Video source: @laquintacolumna

Source: La Quinta Columna / Dr. Campra

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Federal Govt Whistleblower Goes Public with Secret Recordings: ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show the [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; ‘Shove’ Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’

Fauci in front the mirror
Fauci in front the mirror

By Project Veritas

  • Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine.”
  • Dr. Gonzales: “They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects]…They want to shove it under the mat.”
  • Deanna Paris, Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It’s a shame they [government] are not treating people [with COVID] like they’re supposed to, like they should. I think they want people to die.”
  • Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what it’s purpose was.”
  • O’Malley: “I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions.”
  • O’Malley: “If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?”
  • O’Malley: I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man…You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”
  • O’Malley: “At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on.”

[PHOENIX – Sept. 20, 2021] Project Veritas released the first video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring an interview with U.S. Health and Human Services [HHS] insider, Jodi O’Malley, who works as a Registered Nurse at the local Indian Medical Center.

Read full text


Source: Project Veritas

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BREAKING DISCOVERY! The actual contents inside Pfizer vials EXPOSED!

Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination
Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination

Scientists have examined the Pfizer ‘vaccine’, and what they found was HORRIFIC…It’s Poison!

Source: Stew Peters Show

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Fauci says some ‘breakthrough’ infections after vaccinations ‘inevitable’

Fauci in front the mirror
Fauci in front the mirror

By Nathaniel Weixel It is inevitable that some people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will still get a “breakthrough” infection, Anthony Fauci said Monday, because no vaccine is 100 percent effective.

A breakthrough infection is when a person contracts an illness despite being vaccinated against it. Fauci noted that there will be hundreds, and maybe thousands of instances of completely vaccinated people getting infected with COVID-19. 

The key is to compare the small number of infections to the tens, and eventually hundreds of millions of people who’ve been vaccinated, Fauci said.

We see this with all vaccines, in clinical trials, in the real world,” Fauci said during a White House briefing. “No vaccine is 100 percent efficacious, or effective, which means that you will always see breakthrough infections, regardless of the efficacy of your vaccine.”

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, noted the best example of breakthrough infections happens with the flu vaccine. The flu virus mutates rapidly and even during a good year, the shot is only 40 percent to 60 percent effective. 

However, even if a vaccine fails to protect against infection, it often protects against serious disease.

If you get vaccinated, no doubt, you’re less likely to get the flu. But even if you do get the flu and get sick, vaccination can reduce the severity and duration of illness, and could help get you out of trouble,” Fauci said. 

During the briefing, Fauci also addressed an Israeli preprint study that made headlines over the weekend, which seemingly found the B.1.351 variant may somewhat evade the protection from the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

With all due respect to my Israeli friends, I think that that preprint, as it were, was about as confusing as you possibly could be,” Fauci said. “The only thing that isn’t confusing is two doses are really good” if you want to be fully protected.

Fauci said the study made it sound like people who receive two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine were more likely to get infected with the B.1.351 variant than people who were not vaccinated at all. 

Fauci said the vaccine’s protection means that in the unlikely event an infection does break through, it will likely be the “more difficult variant,” but “that doesn’t mean you have a greater chance of getting it.”

Source: The Hill

All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Plandemic / Scamdemic – A Deep State attack on freedom – A film by MrTruthBomb (Remastered)

Source: MrTruthBomb2

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