The real genocide. Aborted babies discovered in DC may indicate infanticide after attempted abortions

If we honored each baby aborted since 1973 with a moment of silence

By Sam Dorman

WARNING: This article contains disturbing images.

Physician experts have told Live Action News that five aborted children recovered from a D.C. apartment appear to have been viable human beings, raising questions about potential legal and serious ethical violations by the abortion clinic. 

Dr. Robin Pierucci, a neonatal specialist, told Live Action News: “I can say with confidence that these babies died at an age when they were viable, premature people.” In her Friday morning comments, she noted that she was going to work in a NICU where she would “care for little ones this size and age.”

During a Thursday press conference, D.C. police quickly dismissed the possibility that the babies experienced illegal abortions but declined to comment further when asked by Live Action News. Although D.C. doesn’t ban late-term abortions, medical professionals are still bound by federal laws which restrict the method of abortion and require life-saving care for infants born after botched procedures.

Lifesaving care is something Dr. Cesare Santangelo, who operates the facility where the discarded babies were discovered, has already said repeatedly that he either doesn’t provide or avoids.

A pro-life activist voluntarily informed the D.C. homicide unit of the babies and surrendered them to authorities. Details are forthcoming but the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) group, to which this activist belongs, believes the “late gestational ages as well as their apparent sustained injuries potentially show violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Act as well as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.” The group also announced that a funeral mass and naming ceremony was offered for the babies.

Live Action president and founder Lila Rose said in response,  “The discovery of these bodies is horrific and disturbing evidence of the infanticide that may be occurring in this clinic within our nations’ capital, and indicative of the violence happening in abortion facilities nationwide.”

Source: Live Action
READ FULL TEXT   Aborted babies discovered in DC may indicate infanticide after attempted abortions

An exclusive interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson: “When the history of this madness is written, reputations will be slaughtered and there will be blood in the gutter “

VACCINES could cause “mass male infertility”

By The Expose

VACCINES could cause “mass male infertility”, Anthony Fauci is a “dead man walking” and the inquest into the pandemic will leave “blood in the gutter” with reputations torn to shreds for their sheer “idiocy”.

Dr Roger Hodkinson says there is “sufficient evidence in the literature” to show the spike protein expresses in the placenta and the testes – and could kill unborn babies in current pregnancies and permanently stop men having children.

He also said no one should listen to the likes of Prince Harry advocating the jab because he has “nothing between his ears”.

Dr Hodkinson is a pathologist by training, with a wealth of knowledge in infectious disease, virology and evidence-based medicine, who was educated at Cambridge University and University College Hospital Medical School in London, before moving to Canada in 1970 and training at the University of British Columbia.

He came to notoriety for his speech to the Edmonton City Council on November 13 last year regarding their vote on extending mandatory mask orders, saying the response to Covid was “the biggest hoax perpetrated on an unsuspecting public”.

And now, despite describing the vaccines as “incredibly smart theories”, Dr Hodkinson has issued another impassioned plea, calling for a halt to the rollout in order to carry out further investigations

By Stefan Schultz

He said: “I’m a serious evidence-based career pathologist who has done everything in pathology at national and provincial levels and I take evidence-based science very, very seriously. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m none of the above. But when I see certain things in the literature that could – underlined – have serious potential long-term sequelae, I think it’s my duty  to stand up and blow the whistle and say ‘hey, stop the train, have you seen this? It needs to be looked at. I hope it’s wrong but show me the data’.

The data I’m talking about is well-described in the literature, that of the significant expression of the ACE 2 receptor in both the placenta and the testes. And more importantly, in the testes it’s the cells that actually produce the spermatozoa, the precursors, called spermatogonia. Clearly there is an excess of spike protein circulating as a result of an unexpected surge in some people who get the vaccine.

And that circulation takes the spike protein everywhere, including the placenta of women who happen to be pregnant at the time, which is a one-time hit for that particular pregnancy, probably not for subsequent ones. But there is also potential for a hit on the testes, which of course is not a one-time hit, it could be a permanent hit.

In a world where we know that sperm counts have dropped 40 per cent over the last 10 or 20 years – a massive unexplained drop in sperm counts – we don’t need some additional hits on male fertility.

There have been disturbing reports, to be verified, of increased miscarriages following vaccination. I’m concerned about that for sure but I’m more concerned of the potential of male infertility which could be permanent. A lot of this is could, maybe etc, etc, it’s merely appropriate caution given the scientific literature.

You cannot test for fertility in a trial that lasts six months. Last time I checked, pregnancy lasts nine months. And in order to test for sequential pregnancies and the need for longer-term fertility studies, it cannot be done outside of a two-to-four years window, which is the normal time frame for a new vaccine trial.

Over the past few days, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has described as “great news” the fact that all aged 32 and over can now book their Covid vaccine, repeating the mantra that it is both safe and effective. And the call to vaccinate children is growing louder, with Hancock saying last week: “I’ve been closely following the results from the clinical studies from Pfizer that show that the vaccine is safe and effective among children between the ages of 12 and 18.”

Dr Hodkinson said: “It is absolutely outrageous. Look, children are not dying of this condition, at least in my own province, they have been no deaths under 19 recorded at all. It is the same internationally.

“Children are not dying of this condition first of all, they are not even suffering from this condition. The vast majority just brush it off without even knowing they’ve got it. So it’s not a problem for children. And if it’s therefore not any more of a problem than a trivial cold for children, then why in God’s name are we subjecting them to an untested vaccine? It is not an emergency, it is not needed and it has potential complications on fertility and therefore it’s utterly reckless.

“It could be described as the single event in medical malpractice in medical history, because there is no informed consent. For them to say a single word with four letters without any qualifiers at all, to say that this is safe is a massive distortion of not just the English language but makes you extremely culpable in court, if they weren’t protected by statute for being sued as bureaucrats and politicians. Any individual physician who did that would be hauled before his college before he could spit for failure of informed consent.

Vaccinating children is absolutely obscene – obscene. They are not at threat and you are putting them at risk.

The level of coercion, however, is also on the increase. The NHS app has now morphed into a Vaccine Passport and there are discussions taking place this week – including with football’s Premier League – to introduce them at domestic level. Royal Ascot could be used as a pilot for the scheme.

Nevertheless, Prince Harry, who moved to America for more privacy but who has bathed in the limelight ever since, appeared at a Vax Live event calling for people to get the jab.

Dr Hodkinson said: “If he had anything between the ears he might be worth listening to. Who cares what film stars and royalty say about this? They are all congenital idiots in my opinion.

Let me just paint the big picture here for the contrast between vaccinations and other forms of therapies. If in fact this is an emergency as they claim, which I contest, but let’s take their word for it, they are using it to vaccinate people without an appropriately tested vaccine. If you accept that a potentially dangerous vaccine, for which there is growing evidence of danger, contrast that with the prohibition of physicians to prescribe ivermectin, or vitamin D for that matter.

Here we have individual physicians relating to their individual patients who are traditionally expected to give a judgment for the patient to decide in full consent. But ivermectin has, on paper, enormous evidence of effectiveness, while at the same time, in contrast to the vaccine, shown to be incredibly safe, billions of doses over many years of use.

So here we have an agent that, OK it may not be effective, we accept that, it’s still an uncertainty to a certain degree, but it may work and it is safe. So you can’t have it both ways. If you’re saying you’re vaccinating people because it’s an emergency, you should take the dogs off physicians to allow them to decide individually if an agent is potentially effective and should be used because it is safe. You can’t have it both ways.”

Dr Hodkinson does not believe many of the theories out there and says what is happening is nothing more than politicians refusing to admit that they are wrong.

They are constantly trapped in a mistake of their own making in which they cannot admit they were wrong and therefore they double down on it,” he said. “It’s nothing more than that and they can’t fess up. And so they want to wrestle this to the ground – zero Covid and all that idiocy that from a scientific perspective is ludicrous. It cannot conceivably happen.

This virus is everywhere. It’s in an aerosol in every aisle in every foodstore whether you are walking past someone or not. It’s the roulette game of life, you may get it, you may not. And if you get it and you’re under 65 and you’re otherwise well, it’s going to be nothing more than the regular flu, except for a small number of people who sadly are going to get a severe infection and some of them will die. It is really tragic and I’m not being callous saying this but it happens every single year with the flu. In fact children die of the flu every year.

There is a greater risk of a teacher driving to school and dying of a head-on collision than there is of a teacher dying of Covid that she thinks she might have caught in the school. So do we take cars off the road? No we don’t do we. We live with the risk of a head-on collision every time we pass a car on the road. It’s part of the risk of everyday life. These Governments want to control every single risk of life. And this is merely one example.

I do not think this is some big internationally coordinated conspiracy by the great resetters, not at all. Are they taking huge advantage of it? Unquestionably. And despicably so. But as to why it is being maintained, I think you have to look at a number of factors. The first way it is being maintained is because of asymptomatic testing showing a huge number of false positives, certainly when you start getting up to cycle thresholds above 35, the vast majority, 90 per cent, are false positives.

That drives a graph in the morning paper that supports the hysteria in the population because they haven’t got any information to counter what’s going on. And the politicians use those graphs to double down on the idiocy that’s already underway.

It’s now morphed from lockdowns into vaccines and then it will morph again into vaccine passports, all in lockstep. But the second reason the hysteria in continuing is the ruthlessly efficient international censorship of the three usual sources of information for the general public outside of Government and that is individual politicians, who have been kicked out of their party, at least in Canada, for daring to speak up, the journalists, mainstream media is corrupt internationally, at least in Canada, they have been bribed into silence by money being chucked at them by the bucketload – you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. But more importantly physicians, who are the most respected and best source for the general public for anything that is relevant to this issue.

Listen, I’m in the game here and you cannot imagine how petrified – I’m using that word advisedly – how petrified physicians are in this country of their regulatory bodies, so-called colleges of physicians and surgeons. They have the ability to take away your livelihood by a click of the finger.

It’s like the star chamber of the middle ages, you’re guilty until proven innocent, you have to fund your own defence and they have a history of winning or bankrupting you along the way. So the typical physician shuts up.

It’s not just the colleges who may censor you, it’s the institutions in which you work who can deny you privileges. At least with the college there is the chance to contest the decision. With institutions that award you privileges to operate for example, they have a hotline directly to the ministries and it wouldn’t be recorded, it would just be “get this guy” click. And you’re done. You’re done. You don’t operate any more.

But this is the classic situation of politicians honouring that most important principle in politics – never apologise, you simply morph it into something else and you move on. They got themselves into this hole immediately because of that idiot at Imperial College London, Neil Ferguson, who’s not a physician or an epidemiologist, he is a theoretical physicist, he was notoriously wrong by an order of magnitude in his predictions from previous epidemics and no one internationally did due diligence on his latest idiocy based upon largely the things that were going on with the elderly in Milan.

They all assumed it was Armageddon coming. With the speed of modern communication the media picked that up, the media gorges on crises and that basically landed on every premier and prime ministers desk the next morning with the demand of their No2 that something must be done that is visible that I’m doing something because Armageddon is coming.

So they did all this stupid stuff for which there is no evidence in the medical literature whatsoever for effectiveness and when it was shown not to be working they simply doubled down on it, again and again. It’s the classic situation as I said of politics playing medicine, which is an extraordinarily dangerous game.

“But I don’t think it [the virus] was an intentional leak by the lab in Wuhan, it’s certainly a consequence of Gain of Function research that Anthony Fauci directly funded. It’s a made-in-USA virus. So they dug themselves into this hole and rather than admitting it and apologising and getting back to normal like they are in Florida quite effectively, most jurisdictions are simply doubling down on the idiocy and hoping it will go away because it always does in the summer when the sun comes up and we all start making vitamin D again

But they will claim they rattled it to the ground because the cases were dropping. The classic fallacy trap is of course that just because B follows A doesn’t mean that A caused B and they will claim credit for the disappearance over the summer.

That is why we are in this ongoing mess is because they didn’t put their big pants on and say ‘I was wrong’ and just doubled down on it.

Look at Fauci, if one mask doesn’t work, well maybe two or three or perhaps 10. If you wear 10 I guarantee you will not get Covid because you will actually be dead of hypoxia. Let me tell you explicitly: masks don’t work. Period. Period. Nothing works. Nothing could work. Nothing did work. And nothing will work. It should be life as normal with personal responsibility used to control it in the usual way.

When you are standing behind someone lined up in a food store, you don’t tap them on the shoulder and say ‘hey excuse me can I suck the snot out of your nose’? We don’t do that do we. We behave responsibly. We get it, we pass it to our family, we get herd immunity the natural way. You don’t need the Government involved in this mess whatsoever. Protecting the people in nursing homes should be the only thing that’s done. And there are way to do that without vaccination even for older people.

But that guy [Fauci] is corrupt. He’s an idiot and corrupt. He has his fingers in the pie in various patents and so on. And he is trying to dodge the bullet which is getting closer and closer to him. There was one interview that he gave in which he looked straight at the camera and said  in very precise lawyered words: “We did not pay for Gain of Function research in the Wuhan lab”. He is wriggling off the hook in prime time television.

But they’re going to get him. He’s the walking dead right now. He should be jailed. Head in the sand. These lockdowns are killing people. Quite apart from the quality adjusted life years lost, with all the depression and near suicides and bankruptcies and all the tragedies of people not attending funerals and weddings cancelled and school closures and so on and so on, this is the kind of stuff that you go to jail for in civil society.”

And he added: “It’s not even a conspiracy theory as to what’s in the vaccines. These are incredibly smart vaccine theories which are being used and they may well be incredibly successful in other future vaccination programmes. The science is remarkable and I take my hats off to them.

But it’s a new technology and these adverse events that are being recorded not least of which by the way the deaths shortly following vaccination, which have taken off remarkably.“The deaths that are being reported are an order of magnitude greater than previous vaccine programmes and that should get people’s attention. We are trying to save people here. But it looks like we’re actually killing people.”

Dr Hodkinson also ridiculed the fearmongering over variants, with the Indian and Yorkshire version both being ramped up seemingly ready to kill off any hope of the full opening here in the UK on June 21, saying: “Our immune system is so unbelievably efficient and these variants, only the nucleic acid sequence varies only about three per cent from the original version, so the reality is that the rest of the virus is going to be attacked by the immune system whether it’s a variant or not.

But what is unconscionable here is that every time you turn around they are using a statistic the wrong way. For example, imagine I’m a doc visiting you and you’re granny in a nursing home and you’ve got Covid, proven, let’s accept it was accurate. You have symptoms to go along with it.

“So I say ‘hey granny, you know what, your risk of dying from this is three or four times greater than it is with the flu. And you’d say ‘that sounds bad’.

“Next day I walk in to see granny and I say ‘hey granny, looks like you have Covid but let me give you some assurance here. If this was the flu you’d have a 99 per cent chance of surviving and with Covid you have a 96 per cent chance of surviving. Granny would say ‘hey doc that doesn’t sound too bad, can you let me go now’?.

“It is exactly the same statistics which get warped to maintain the narrative. Their job should be to assuage concern not to amplify it.

“It’s not just lesser lights like me. You’ve heard Jay Bhattacharya say publicly as one of the most esteemed epidemiologists in the world from Stanford “lockdowns have been the single biggest mistake ever made in public health. It is that scale of stupidity that is going on.

“When the history of this madness is written, and there will be hundreds of books on it over the next few years, reputations will be slaughtered. There will be blood in the gutter because of the obvious insanity of what’s happening on a scale that’s never been seen before.”

Source: The Expose UK

RELATED: All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Casey Hodgkinson, Aged 23 – Pfizer Severe Adverse Reaction

What are you waiting for to arrest them all?

By No more silence

Severe Adverse Reaction – Severe Neurological Involvement, Convulsions, Tics & Vocal Tics

Anna telling her daughter Casey’s story:

This is just a small part of what my daughter of 23 is going through, caused by one dose of the Pfizer Vaccine (see the Video).

It’s now four weeks of this and getting worse, with the bad episodes, she also loses the ability to talk! She’s in constant pain that is excruciating, especially when she’s having a bad episode, which can last from half an hour or for many hours at a time! her legs are either in agony or then numb. Her partner said her pain was a 10/10 and he couldn’t even touch her legs without causing her agony.

The pressure in her head is unbearable and getting worse with each episode. She’s struggling to walk on her own and when walking over 100 metres it sets off an episode. This has happened twice today whilst getting her into her blood’s and doctor’s appointment, with no wheelchair available!

I wanted to film her today but not allowed to in the med lab. She was sent home from the hospital with false information on her discharge papers and given meds for anxiety and schizophrenia, suggesting someone in her family told them that she has a history of tics, which is utter bullshit! It’s been written in her release notes…. the bastards! She did not have either of these before the vaccination….. what the hell are they thinking!!

Please, I continue to ask to pray for my girl, that we figure this out soon, and that it stops getting worse each day!

My heart is just breaking for my girl

This video is of what Casey has to endure

Casey bravely tells her story below:

“I’m done being silent!

I’ve recently been dealing with horrible side effects of the vaccine.
I have ongoing muscle spasms and what the Doctors are referring as Tics. I get bad episodes where my body convulses for ages. I can’t control the Tics. I also get Vocal Tics, and all over Body Tics, and I can hardly walk now.

I can’t drive, nor work – which is why I got the vaccine, so I could work!! Now a lot of things have been taken away. A lot of doors maybe closed for good.

The Doctors have admitted it is a bad reaction to the Pfizer Vaccine, and that it has more than likely made any underlying issues worse. I’ve been dealing with it a few weeks now, with no sign of it stopping.

I do not judge ‘Anyone’s Choice’. You can be anti-vax or stand with the vaccine and I’ll still support you.

What has hurt me most of all is family members have treated my issue as if it is nothing – trying to make themselves feel better. Because they believe in the vaccine.

I want others to know the truth. I took the vaccine believing it will help and I was wrong. Others have reacted badly also.

When I was rushed to the hospital unable to control the tics and unable to walk or communicate (this bad episode lasted all day), I heard Doctors saying how someone else had also been rushed in, unable to breathe because of a bad reaction to the vaccine.

I do not want to change your opinion. I only want people to know my story and what I’ve been through.


Aukland, New Zealand


RELATED: All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

ICU Doctor describes nightmarish COVID-19 vaccine injuries in letters to FDA, CDC, lawyer says agencies haven’t replied

ICU Doctor describes nightmarish COVID-19 vaccine injuries in letters to FDA,  CDC, lawyer says agencies haven’t replied
ICU Doctor describes nightmarish COVID-19 vaccine injuries in letters to FDA, CDC, lawyer says agencies haven’t replied

By Andrew White

“I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the Covid-19 vaccines,” wrote Dr. Patricia Lee, MD.

Dr. Patricia Lee, M.D., an ICU doctor based in California, issued a shocking letter to the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claiming she has observed more vaccine injuries from the controversial COVID-19 vaccines than she has in the last 20 years working as a doctor.

In the letter, she describes observing “entirely healthy individuals suffering serious, often fatal, injuries,” her attorneys noted in a follow-up email. These include “transverse myelitis, resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, post partum hemorrhagic shock and septic shock, and disseminated CMV and CMV viremia.

Dr. Patricia Lee, MD, a California-based ICU doctor issued a letter to both the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on September 28 in which she explains observing more vaccine-related injuries than she ever had throughout the last 20 years working in the medical arena.

In the letter, Dr. Lee points out that while she is “fully vaccinated for Covid-19,” her “personal experience this year treating patients in a busy ICU does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines.” (READ MORE: Two Children ‘Accidentally’ Given COVID-19 Vaccines At Walgreens, BOTH Now Suffering From ‘Heart Issues’ – Lawyer)

Dr. Lee is a licensed physician in California and obtained her medical degree from the University of Southern California. She received post-graduate training at Georgetown University and “Harvard-affiliated hospitals,” and has been a doctor “for more than 20 years.” However, she notes that in all her medical experience, she has “never witnessed so many vaccine-related injuries until this year.”

She noted in her letter that she feels “pained in admitting this,” but she was “compelled by conscience to state the facts” as she observed them while working in the ICU.

She then lists a handful of “illustrative examples of Covid-19 vaccine related injuries I have observed firsthand.” She noted that “it is my clinical judgment that each of these injuries were caused by the Covid-19 vaccine, because there was no other plausible explanation for these injuries other than the fact that the patients had recently been vaccinated.”

The vaccine reactions listed in her letter depict healthy individuals suffering serious and fatal injuries including transverse myelitis, resulting in quadriplegia, pneumocystis pneumonia, multi-system organ failure, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, post partum hemorrhagic shock and septic chock, and disseminated CMV and CMV viremia. Lee noted these in an October 6 follow-up letter issued by her attorneys to the same agencies.

Dr. Lee noted that “approximately half of the patients detailed” in her letter have since died. “Those who survived are struggling with long-term sequelae and a diminished quality of life,” she wrote.

“It appears statistically improbable that any one physician should witness this many Covid-19 vaccine injuries if the federal health authority claims regarding Covid-19 safety were accurate.” (READ MORE: VIDEO: Catholic Nun Says COVID-19 Vaccines Are Globalist Plot For Population Control, Pope Francis Their ‘Spiritual Leader’)

“I have spoken with colleagues who have also had similar experiences in treating patients.” She added that her colleagues are reluctant to speak out about similar experiences in fear of fueling “vaccine hesitancy” and facing potential punishment.

I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the Covid-19 vaccines,” Dr. Lee concluded. “It is my sincere hope that the reaction to this letter will not be to focus on me, but rather to focus on addressing the serious safety issues with these products that, without doubt, you have either missed or are choosing to ignore.

Since the issuing of the original letter, her attorneys have sent another letter to the CDC and FDA saying that the agencies’ “failure to respond is highly concerning,” adding that they are seeking a response so they can “arrange a discussion and information gathering session between Dr. Lee and the appropriate representatives at the CDC and FDA.”

Source: National File


All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Any questions? Share the videos.

Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination
Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination

Pfizer vaccine…Before…after…

Are vaccines really safe? Take a look…

Justice will be served.
Share this video and save lives.

Red Cross refuse vaccinated blood

Red Cross is reported to refuse vaccinated blood for the antibodies saying that the vaccine wipes them out?!

Stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!

Parliament Member to EU Commission: “Stop this experimentation on humans, I beg you!”
Joachim Kuhs, Member Of The European Parliament Pleads For The Withdrawal Of The Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines

All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Fact: 27.1% of the World population have received the Covid shot – cccording to statistics – which means 2.1 billion could die within 10 years

The Global Extermination Agenda
The Global Extermination Agenda

By Medeea Greere

The world population is: 7,874,965,825 this year. (7.8 Billion)

Researchers claim that 27.1% of the world population is already vaccinated from Covid 19.

If those stats are correct, that means 2.1 billion have already received the Covid 19 shot.

And according to other researchers, they say that the estimate for those that will eventually die from the vax will do so in 3-10 years, due to the immune system fighting itself and causing illnesses. (some say sooner)

If that is true, then within 10 years 2.1 billion people could die from the Covid 19 shots. Which will reduce the world population by around 25%.

This does not take into account the side effects of reduced fertility, and a much reduced birth rate due to the shot causing sterility world wide.

6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda – Holistic Doctors Who Died Mysteriously Exposed The Dangers of Vaccines and Cures For Cancer

Back in 2015 reports of the suspicious deaths of holistic doctors who exposed the many deadly dangers of vaccines and the correlation to austim began. The mysterious deaths of holistic doctors continue, without any mainstream media reporting, as many of the deaths have “plausible deniability”, which is the top facet of all mass media manipulation and deception.

Since 2015, there has been a major campaign to disprove all of these deaths as “conspiracy theories.”

I knew back then that these holistic doctors were killed to silence their voices regarding the dangers of vaccines and the increasing rise of autism. But there may have been another reason. Once the COVID-19 “scamdemic” was launched these doctors would have been screaming at the top of their voices.

Many physicians who survive have screamed about the dangers of the COVID-19 mRNA injections, like Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. These physicians have a huge following. The doctors who died “mysteriously” were not nearly as well known, but all had influence and would have trumpeted the dangers of the mRNA vaccines creating a large chorus.

Could that be why there was a barrage of mysterious holistic doctor deaths over the course of a few short years? Very possible.

As I have mentioned many times, the world has been engaged in a silent war waged by the global elite fought with quiet weapons since 1954. The COVID-19 scamdemic is the culmination of the elite’s 63 year plan to reduce the world population to 500,000,000.

We are in the ‘end phase’ of their clandestine depopulation agenda that is hidden in plain sight for all to see, read and hear. The elite talk about it and they write about it. These facts cannot be denied.

Source: AMG-News

RELATED: All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Inventor of mRNA vaccine sounds the alarm of lipid nanoparticles from experimental COVID-19 vaccines accumulating in vital organs

Dead people after vaccine
Dead people after vaccine

By Daniel G

A couple of weeks ago, Dr. Byram Bridle relayed research of the horrific findings that the spike protein from the experimental jabs was accumulating in organs.

Instead of remaining at the injection site in the shoulder, the spike protein frequently becomes biologically active and circulates in the bloodstream.

As a result, the spike protein settles in large amounts inside critical organs and tissues.

Dr. Byram Bridle was censored for his revelations, but he’s not alone in his assertions.Trending: Does This Video Prove “President” Joe Biden Does Not Exist?

Dr. Robert W. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology and he recently joined Brett Brownstein, Ph.D for an episode of the Dark Horse Podcast.

Malone expressed his concerns about the findings made in the study referenced by Bridle.

He reiterated that the lipid nanoparticles responsible for producing the spike protein were accumulating in organs at alarming rates.

In particular, the concentrations in the ovaries were extremely high.

Children’s Health Defense reported:

They also discuss the lack of proper animal studies for the new mRNA vaccines, and the theory, espoused by virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, Ph.D., that mass vaccination with the mRNA vaccines could produce ever more transmissible and potentially deadly variants.

As The Defender reported June 3, Bridle received a copy of a Japanese biodistribution study — which had been kept from the public — as a result of a freedom of information request made to the Japanese government for Pfizer data.

Prior to the study’s disclosure, the public was led to believe by regulators and vaccine developers that the spike protein produced by mRNA COVID vaccines stayed in the shoulder where it was injected and was not biologically active — even though regulators around the world had a copy of the study which showed otherwise.

The biodistribution study obtained by Bridle showed lipid nanoparticles from the vaccine did not stay in the deltoid muscle where they were injected as the vaccine’s developers claimed would happen, but circulated throughout the body and accumulated in large concentrations in organs and tissues, including the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and  — in “quite high concentrations” — in the ovaries.

The mRNA — or messenger RNA — is what tells the body to manufacture the spike protein. The lipid nanoparticles are like the “boxes” the mRNA is shipped in, according to Malone. “If you find lipid nanoparticles in an organ or tissue, that tells you the drug got to that location,” Malone explained.

According to the data in the Japanese study, lipid nanoparticles were found in the whole blood circulating throughout the body within four hours, and then settled in large concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.

Malone said there needed to be monitoring of vaccine recipients for leukemia and lymphomas as there were concentrations of lipid nanoparticles in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. But those signals often don’t show up for six months to three or nine years down the road, he said.

Usually, signals like this are picked up in animal studies and long-term clinical trials, but this didn’t happen with mRNA vaccines, Malone said.

Malone said there are two adverse event signals that are becoming apparent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). One of them is thrombocytopenia — not having enough platelets, which are manufactured in the bone marrow. The other is reactivation of latent viruses.

Malone found the ovarian signal perplexing because there is no accumulation in the testes.

Malone said the original data packages contained this biodistribution information. “This data has been out there a long time” within the protected, non-disclosed, purview of the regulators across the world, he said.

NATIONAL POLL: Is CNN The Enemy Of The People?

According to Malone, the FDA knew the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.

In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of the free spike protein.

Malone also made this comment on Twitter referencing the effectiveness of Ivermectin:

What happens to confidence in public health and USG if ivermectin turns out to be safe and effective for COVID, and the genetic vaccines turn out to have signficant safety issues? This looks like a very plausible scenario from where I sit.

— Robert W Malone, MD (@RWMaloneMD) June 12, 2021

They said trust the scientists, right?

Will they trust the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology?

Tucker Carlson Tonight 06-23-2021K

Dr. Robert Malone discusses vaccine risks after YouTube deletes podcast

Source: We love Trump


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What history tells us about the 1918 “Spanish Flu”

What history tells us about the 1918
What history tells us about the 1918

By Dr. Sal Martingano

History tells us that the 1918 Spanish Flu killed between 50 – 100 million people. At the time, medical and pharmaceutical sources described it as THE MOST horrific disease process since the Black Plague of 1347, which killed an estimated 25-30 million people.

Vaccination: “The Elephant in the Room”

In the book, Vaccination Condemned, by Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., the author describes, in detail, personal and family experiences during the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic. 

McBean’s coverage of the 1918 “Spanish Flu”, as a reporter and an unvaccinated survivor, requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, not as a “conspiracy theory” but with evidence that will “set your hair on fire”.  

A few years ago, I came across another book by Eleanor McBean: “Vaccination…The Silent Killer”. McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” compromised, but also those of the Polio and Swine Flu epidemics.

Let’s Talk “Spanish Flu” Facts:

The Spanish Scapegoat

Spain was neutral during WW1 and did NOT censor its press, unlike the combatting countries. As a result, Spain was the first to report the 1918 Flu epidemic and the world “scapegoated” Spain as the source. Thus, the “Spanish Flu” is born.

The First Case: Military Vaccination Experiments in Fort Riley, Kansas

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.

WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.
CLICK HERE for more details.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”.  Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.  

So… How did Civilians Die?

  1. WW1 ended sooner than expected, leaving HUGE quantities of unused experimental vaccines.
  2. Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, The U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history. They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines.
  3. Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.  
  4. Instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors intensified them, calling it the great “Spanish Flu of 1918”. As a result, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED.

“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”

Eleanor McBean
Minnesota Wellness Directory

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once.  The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines

Deception and Secrecy Have a Long History

In the examples given in my previous blog COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy”, history is replete with intentional lies told to the public to either “save face” or to deceive for nefarious purposes. The 1918 “Spanish Flu” was no exception.

Back to COVID-19: The Ferguson Models are False and Misleading

British scientist and Professor Neil Ferguson of The Imperial College, London (the same Imperial College of London funded by the Bill Gates Foundation) was responsible for developing the mathematical pandemic computer models for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The world followed Ferguson’s advice, yet all his models have been proven to be grossly over stated and misleading. 

For example, Ferguson modeled that Sweden would experience 100,000 deaths by June, 2020. To date, Sweden peaked at 2,854 deaths total.

These mathematical computer models are the basis for vaccine production…..hmmmm!

The Media Silences Non-Conformist Viewpoints

The media, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and other “privately” owned communications outlets have become the self-proclaimed “guardians” (censors) of information.

On April 26, 2020, Twitter suspended the account of a publicly traded biotech company for sharing information about a non-medicinal UV light therapy for COVID-19. YouTube also removed a video demonstrating how the technology works.

“(YouTube) will ban videos that contradict W.H.O. guidance on the pandemic or share fake or unproven Coronavirus remedies.”

Susan Wojcicki
CEO – YouTube

NewsGuard recently classified as fake news for reporting that the COVID virus potentially leaked from the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan City, China.

The Pharmaceutical Industry Owns and Controls the Medical Profession

“Fact Checking” is often provided by paid writers from the pharmaceutical companies and not from verified, independent sources.

The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”

Arnold Relman
Former Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine

Infectious Disease Levels were Dropping BEFORE Vaccines Entered the Picture

Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. The beginning of the 20th century introduced improved sanitation (sewers), water treatment plants, and vastly improved nutrition. 

The sample graphs above show that infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio, were all at their lowest levels and dropping, BEFORE the vaccines were introduced.

The 1918 “Spanish Flu” held sinister secrets for 100 years.  Based on my previous blog: “COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy”, will we learn that the world-changing protocols from COVID-19 may also contain hidden secrets?

Source: Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA

All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

A Shot in the Dark Vaccinations 2020 Documentary

Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination
Permanent damage and cardiovascular events following COVID-19 vaccination

Source: Roger Ramjet


All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…

Remember what your duty is

It is your job to awaken all the sleeping lions


Be a Truthteller

All about COVID-19 mass vaccination program, experimental vaccine, science warns, corona scandal, pandemic/Plandemic, the global reset, Nuremberg Tribunals II, Articles and videos…