Catholic Health Care System fires Physician assistant because she’s Pro-Life

Megan Kreft Physician assistant
Megan Kreft Physician assistant

By Micaiah Bilger

A young, Catholic physician assistant who is dedicated to healing and saving lives was fired from her job recently after she refused to help facilitate abortions.

Megan Kreft, of Oregon, shared her story in an extensive interview with the Catholic News Agency. Like a growing number of others in the medical field, she faced workplace discrimination because of her pro-life Catholic beliefs.

Worse, Kreft said her employer was a Catholic health system that she agreed to work for because she believed it would respect and follow the same beliefs that she has about the sanctity of human life.

I was hopeful that at least my desire to practice medicine consistent with my faith and conscience would be at least tolerated, at a minimum,” she told CNA. “I definitely didn’t think that there was necessarily a need to hold Catholic institutions accountable for being pro-life and Catholic, but I’m hoping to spread awareness.”

Kreft said she began working for Providence Medical Group, a Catholic hospital in Sherwood, Oregon, in 2019 – her first job as a physician assistant. According to the report, the hospital is part of a national Catholic health system called Providence-St. Joseph Health.

She said she was pleased when her employer asked her to sign a document to agree to follow the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services and respect the teachings of the Catholic Church.

However, her first warning sign of trouble came a short time later.

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Kreft said right before she began working, she was given a list of procedures and asked what she would be willing to provide. She said procedures that go against Catholic teachings, including vasectomies, intrauterine device (IUD) insertions and emergency contraception, were on the list.

The situation rapidly grew worse as Kreft began her job.

The interview continued:

Within the first few weeks of work, Kreft said she had a physician recommend that she refer a patient for an abortion. She also found out that the clinic encouraged providers to prescribe hormonal contraception.

Kreft reached out to the clinic’s administration to tell them that she did not plan to participate in or refer for those services.

Later, she said she got in trouble for refusing to refer a patient for emergency contraception. There is strong evidence that some forms of emergency contraception may cause early abortions.

Kreft said the regional medical director accused her of traumatizing the patient and violating the Hippocratic Oath by refusing to provide emergency contraception when the patient asked for it.

And here I was operating out of love and care for this woman, care for her from a medical and spiritual standpoint,” Kreft said.

Then, in October 2019, Kreft said her bosses insisted that she sign a document promising to refer patients for services that she refused to provide herself. Later, she was given a three-month notice that she would be fired if she did not sign the form, according to the report.

The young woman sought advice from the National Catholic Bioethics Center – something she highly recommends to any Catholic medical worker in a similar situation. She also filed a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which has been expanding its services to fight employment discrimination against pro-lifers like Kreft.

Kreft was fired, but she said she reached an agreement with Providence through the help of the Thomas More Society, a pro-life Catholic legal group. Part of that settlement included her being able to share her story publicly, according to the report.

“I expected [opposition] in a secular hospital, where my training was, but the fact that it’s occurring within Providence is scandalous. And it’s confusing to patients and their loved ones,” she told CNA. “Not only is the fact that the sanctity of human life being undermined in our Catholic healthcare systems unfortunate— the fact that it’s being promoted and tolerated is unacceptable and frankly scandalous.

Christian doctors and nurses across the country are facing discrimination like never before. There is increasing pressure for Christian medical professionals to not only assist abortions or perform them — but to refer patients to other people who will kill their unborn children if they refuse to do so.

In 2018, a nurse accused the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington of coercing her into helping with an abortion in violation of her faith. She said the hospital knew she is pro-life, but it tricked her into helping with the elective abortion by telling her it was a miscarriage.

Source: Life News

President Donald Trump finalizes rule confirming abortion is not a human right

By Micaiah Bilger

America Pro-life President Donald Trump
America Pro-life President Donald Trump

The Trump administration finalized another pro-life regulation Monday, this one to clarify that the definition of sex discrimination in Obamacare does not include abortions.

The new rule officially ends a 2016 regulation from the Obama administration that could have forced medical workers to help abort unborn babies. It restores the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination to “the plain meaning … as determined by biology,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

HHS respects the dignity of every human being, and as we have shown in our response to the pandemic, we vigorously protect and enforce the civil rights of all to the fullest extent permitted by our laws as passed by Congress,” said Roger Severino, director of the Office for Civil Rights at HHS. “We are unwavering in our commitment to enforcing civil rights in healthcare.”

In 2016, the Obama administration redefined sex discrimination under Obamacare to include “termination of pregnancy.” Federal courts struck down the regulation, but it still was on the books. The Trump administration’s action Monday repeals the unconstitutional regulation.

Pro-life leaders praised President Donald Trump’s continued actions for life.

President Trump is the most pro-life president our nation has ever seen, and today he delivered another important victory for conscience in America. Abortion is not health care and should never be mandated by the government,” said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “We thank President Trump and Secretary Azar for standing firmly on the side of the majority of Americans who reject taxpayer funding of abortion, and for the action taken today to roll back the Obama/Biden-era assault on conscience.”

Catholic Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, also celebrated the news.

We thank the Department of Health and Human Services for promulgating regulations restoring the long-standing position of the federal government that discrimination on the basis of ‘sex’ means just that and does not refer to ‘termination of pregnancy’ nor ‘gender identity,’” Naumann said in a statement joined by Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City and Bishop David A. Konderla of Tulsa.

The Catholic leaders said the regulation will restore pro-life health care providers’ rights and protect their religious freedom.

Catholic health care providers serve everyone who comes to them, regardless of characteristics or background. However, there are ethical considerations when it comes to procedures. We greatly appreciate today’s important action,” the bishops said.

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The new rule strengthens religious freedom. The Heritage Foundation’s senior research fellow Ryan T. Anderson, who submitted comments on the HHS rule, explained previously:

When Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, it prohibited discrimination on the basis of ‘sex.’ Several years later, the Obama administration redefined ‘sex’ to mean … termination of pregnancy. In addition to being an unlawful abuse of agency power, these rules would have caused serious harm.”

They would have required doctors, hospitals, and health care organizations to act in ways contrary to their best medical judgments, their consciences, and the physical realities of their patients, or face steep fines and become easy targets for unreasonable and costly lawsuits.”

It is just one of many pro-life actions by the Trump administration. In 2019, it also created a new regulation to enforce conscience protections by punishing medical groups that discriminate against pro-life medical workers. Two federal judges invalidated the rule after pro-abortion groups filed suit, but doctors and medical professionals are fighting back.

Last year, the Trump administration also came to the aid of a Vermont nurse after she said her employer, the University of Vermont Medical Center, tricked her into participating in an abortion against her will by telling her it was a miscarriage.

Source: Life News