Tens of thousands of christians gather to pray in Washington: “We are One Nation Under God”

Franklin Graham’s inaugural Prayer March
Franklin Graham’s inaugural Prayer March

By Steven Ertelt

Tens of thousands of Christians from across the country gathered in Washington, D.C. today to for Franklin Graham’s inaugural Prayer March. Coming from far and wide they assembled together in the nation’s capitol today to pray for the nation.

Franklin Graham, son of the American evangelist preacher Billy Grahamannounced on Twitter his spearheading of the Prayer March on Aug. 8, calling it a necessary event for a nation “in trouble.”

“There are lots of loud voices these days,” Stephen Rhoads, vice president of church ministries for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The group wants to “have a peaceful, holy moment of consecration and repentance to heal our land,” said Rhoads.

Before the event today, Graham said, “We need to be the United States of America, not the divided states of America.”

He said he is worried about the rise of socialism and secularism in America.

I’m just concerned that the people in this country don’t realize that the left, the socialists, want this country to look like Cuba… like Venezuela,” he said.

The only hope for this country is God. It’s not Republicans or Democrats,” Graham said. “Only hope is God and if we as Christians don’t pray for God’s help, he may just let this country fail.

And tens of thousands of Christians today had a unifying uplifting moment as they gathered for prayer and reflected, led in part by Vice President Mike Pence.

In these challenging times we do well as you do today to remember that in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving that we are to present our requests to God,” the vice president said. “And we can claim the promise that the Peace of God that passes all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus as His grace has through the generations of this nation.”

Source: Life News

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