UK could lock people in their homes for 10 years, warns former High Court judge

Britons For the love of GOD wake up
Britons For the love of GOD wake up

By Jose Hermosa

A former UK Supreme Court judge who strongly questions the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party) Virus lockdowns, predicts that these could be extended for up to 10 years, despite being inhumane and an expression of totalitarianism.

Lord Sumption warns that the so-called social controls caused by the virus pandemic can be maintained by the government for up to a decade, given the intolerant conformism of part of the citizens, according to Summit News of March 26. 

It’s politically unrealistic to expect the Government to backtrack now,” he reiterated, referring to the advantage gained by politicians in imposing mandatory quarantines around the world.

He also cited as an example of long restrictions the food rationing to which the British were subjected to for nine years after World War II. 

Based on this historical precedent, Lord Sumption warned that in the case of the CCP Virus the lockdown could be extended even longer, even for a decade, for example. 

An interesting parallel is the continuation of wartime food rationing after the last war. People were in favor of that because they were in favor of social control,” he said during a “Sketch notes on” podcast.

Sumption is one of the UK’s most decorated jurists, and has shown decisiveness by presenting to citizens the adverse effects of the closures that have caused so much suffering, as he sees it. 

The UK is one of the countries that has enforced pandemic restrictions most rigorously. 

In fact, it is now arguing that its provisions will continue to apply until everyone has been vaccinated, with an unknown deadline, but one that will last several years. 

After the health authorities imposed limitations until June 2020, on March 25 they extended them until October, but the Minister of Health, Matt Hancock, did not define when they would end, very much in the sense of the risk Sumption warned about.

The measure imposed by the government, about anyone vacationing abroad could receive a fine of about $7,000 infuriated the British people. 

No one may “leave England to travel to a destination outside the UK, or travel to, or be present at, a point of embarkation for the purpose of traveling from there to a destination outside the UK, without a reasonable excuse,” the rule contains, Express reported on March 23. 

Sumption denounced the attitude with which people who, like him, dissent from the extreme measures taken by governments are treated. 

He commented that they are “subjected to an extraordinarily unpleasant campaign of personal abuse.” “I know a lot of people that would prefer not to put their head above the parapet.”

He also added about his personal case, “From the very moment I started to make these points I began to get emails from politicians who agreed with what I had to say but that they themselves didn’t dare to speak out. That I think is a very serious state of affairs.”

He also rejected the use of police force to repress those who did not follow the official narrative, “People ought to be entitled to voice their differences (of opinion,” he said.

And he also commented, “If the only way you can enforce distancing is by beating people over the head with truncheons then it’s not worth it.

Source: TheBL


Former UK Supreme Court Judge warns that COVID pandemic “Social Controls” could persist for TEN YEARS


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Biden cabinet picks’ links to pro-China consulting firm a National Security concern

Biden links with China
Biden links with China

By Paul Crespo

Several of presumptive President-elect Joe Biden’s cabinet picks, including for Secretary of State and Director of National Intelligence (DNI), led the pro-China consulting firm – WestExec Advisors. This is causing national security concerns since the firm, as recently as late July, was publicly touting its access in China and ability to gain access for China in the United States.

Most concerning was WestExec Advisors’ push to expand Pentagon-related research and funding by Chinese entities in U.S. educational institutions. Even more suspicious was the company’s purging of that specific information from its website as soon as Joe Biden became the Democrat nominee for President in early August.

These links and the firm’s work to promote Chinese government interests in the U.S. appear to pose a potentially serious conflict of interest for Biden’s proposed national security team. And a national security concern for the country.

As Fox News reported:

Web archives show that as recently as late July, the firm was touting its success in helping U.S. research universities accept donations from China, expand foreign research collaboration, and welcome foreign students in key STEM programs while remaining a “trusted partner for DOD-sponsored research grants.”

In early August, the firm said it had helped a leading American pharmaceutical company and a multibillion-dollar American technology company gain market access to China.

Both references were removed in early August, just a few weeks before Biden formally accepted the Democratic nomination for president.

WestExec Advisors, founded in 2017, notes on its website that it “offers unique geopolitical and policy expertise to help business leaders make the best decisions in a complex and volatile international landscape.” Its co-founders include Biden Secretary of State pick Antony Blinken, and Michele Flournoy who is reportedly on Biden’s shortlist for Secretary of Defense.

Avril Haines, who is Biden’s nominee for DNI, was a WestExec principal.

Despite the purge of specific details noted above, the company’s “What We Do” page now shows more benignly that it maintains a China focus by offering to help clients manage “China-related risk in an era of strategic competition.”

WestExec’s work appears to run directly contrary to the recent developments exposing the subversive influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in American research and educational institutions, as well as massive espionage efforts across the country.

President Trump has made it a point to remove all these subversive Chinese tentacles in the U.S. in the past two years as he forged a first-ever strategy to counter the China threat. All the while Biden’s top choices for his national security team were helping communist China gain vital access in the U.S. Will Biden’s pro-China team bring these dangerous tentacles back to the U.S. and soften the U.S. relationship with Beijing?

The U.S. Senate must dig deeply into these WestExec and China links during any potential confirmation hearings. They appear to pose a potentially serious conflict of interest for Biden’s picks and a significant national security danger for the United States.

Source: American Defense News

Report: Hunter Biden and associates are under active criminal investigation

Hunter Biden and associates are under active criminal investigation
Hunter Biden and associates are under active criminal investigation

By Rusty Weiss

An official at the Department of Justice (DOJ) has confirmed the existence of an active criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, son of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden, and his associates.

According to a source within the DOJ, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened the investigation in 2019.

The probe is focused on allegations of money laundering and remains open to this day.

Sinclair investigative reporter James Rosen, who also interviewed Tony Bobulinksi, the former business associate of Hunter Biden, provided the bombshell revelation.

Rosen’s report “suggests that former vice president Joe Biden knew more than he has acknowledged about his son’s overseas dealings.”

Criminal Investigation Into Hunter Biden And Associates Is Still Active

Rosen interviewed Bobulinski, who has already provided a wealth of bombshell allegations against the former Vice President and his son.

Bobulinski claimed that the elder Biden is, in fact, “the big guy” mentioned in an email discussing proposed equity splits in a deal with a Chinese energy firm.

He also claims Biden discussed business dealings with his son – something the former veep has repeatedly denied – and suggested the Democrat nominee for President is compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

I can only imagine to the extent that the Chinese communist party has information on the Biden family and their business dealings,” Bobulinski told Rosen.

And there’s more, he asserted.

There are, according to Bobulinski, “other business dealings that occurred in Romania, Khazakstan, Georgia, Monaco and the Middle East, and then obviously topping off in Russia.”

EXCLUSIVE: Tony Bobulinski tells @WeAreSinclair he was questioned by six @FBI agents, with counsel present, for five hours on October 23, listing him as a “material witness” in an ongoing investigation focused on Hunter Biden and his associates. His cell phones were examined.

— James Rosen (@JamesRosenTV) October 29, 2020

The Biden/China Scandal Isn’t Going Away

As news of the investigation is covered exclusively in right-leaning media outlets, with mainstream giants ignoring it, it’s important to note that some of Hunter Biden’s business partners are already in jail. Earlier this month the Wall Street Journal reported that Devon Archer, who served with Hunter on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, had a conviction reinstated on fraud and conspiracy charges.

Two of Hunter Biden’s business partners are criminals! One is already in prison turning on Hunter. The other is awaiting sentencing in fraud case against a tribe. But Hunter is absolved? – Ron Johnson: Why Did Joe Biden Meet with Devon Archer, a Convicted Felon?

— Alexandra Datig | Front Page Index (@alexdatig) October 22, 2020

Another Hunter Biden associate, Jason Galanis, worked with Hunter and Archer to set up bank accounts to help a Russian billionaire launder money into the U.S.

Galanis is in jail.

Jason Galanis Sentenced To More Than 14 Years In Prison For Defrauding Tribal Entity And Pension Funds Of Tens Of Millions Of Dollars

— Rusty Weiss  (@rustyweiss74) October 30, 2020

When confronted on Biden’s alleged pay-to-play scheme with China – an unsubstantiated claim of yet, though whose evidence is consistently mounting – the campaign’s national press secretary, Jamal Brown, twice refused to issue a denial, instead claiming they would not focus on a “smear campaign.”

Joe Biden’s national press secretary twice refuses to deny Biden pay-to-play scheme with China

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 29, 2020

Look, we’re not going to waste any seconds on this smear campaign,” Brown said.

It’s another distraction. We’re going to keep our eyes on the prize.”

The ‘prize’ being capturing the White House on Tuesday.

With days left before America chooses the next President of the United States, it would seem important for the average voter to know whether or not they’re putting a man knee-deep in corruption back in power.

Source: The Political Insider

FBI Director Wray says half of bureau’s 5,000 counterintelligence cases are related to China

FBI Director Christopher Wray
FBI Director Christopher Wray

Most Americans have likely had their information stolen already, Wray says.

FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday warned Americans that the Chinese government’s theft of American information is taking place on so large a scale, suspected incidents make up nearly half of his bureau’s counterintelligence cases.

Speaking at an event hosted by the Hudson Institute in Washington, Wray said that Chinese thefts amount to “one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history,” and that the American people are the victims.

Of the nearly 5,000 active FBI counterintelligence cases currently under way across the country, almost half are related to China,” Wray said. “And at this very moment, China is working to compromise American health care organizations,pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions conducting essential COVID-19 research.”

In fact, Wray said that most Americans have already been affected.

If you’re an American adult, it is more likely than not that China has stolen your personal data,” he said.

As an example, Wray noted that in 2014 Chinese hackers stole more than 21 million records from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Wray said that the Chinese Communist Partyuses a diverse range of sophisticated techniqueseverything from cyber intrusions to corrupting trusted insiders,” and even “outright physical theft.” To do this, he claimed, they use “a wide range of actors — including not just Chinese intelligence services, but state-owned enterprises, ostensibly private companies, certain kinds of graduate students and researchers, and a whole variety of other actors working on their behalf.”

The director said that, in some cases, China uses social media platforms used by Americans “to identify people with access to our government’s sensitive information and then target those people to try to steal it.”

In one instance, he recalled, a Chinese operative posed as a headhunter, offering money to an American citizen in exchange for “consulting services” that related to sensitive data. In that particular case, the American reported the suspicious behavior to the FBI.


Wray’s remarks come a day after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the Trump administration is considering restricting United States’ users’ access to the Chinese social media application TikTok over concerns it is potentially being used by the Beijing government as a means to surveil and propagandize people.

Pompeo warned Americans that they should be cautious in using the video app, lest they want their private information “in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Fox News’ Bill Mears, Gregg Re and Charles Creitz contributed to this report.

Source: Fox News