Abortion shown and narrated on film from the baby’s perspective

By Paul Green

End abortion
End abortion

The link below is to a video I posted regularly on Facebook showing an abortion procedure until it was removed because of copyright problems. I have found another post. It is entitled: “Baby screams for help during an abortion procedure,” and carries with it this disclaimer: THIS VIDEO WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER! and this WARNING: This video is extremely graphic in its video content and the narrator’s descriptions. Parental supervision is advised.

Here are the Bible verses I alternately used to accompany the posting of this video, followed by selected comments I have received which I also alternately used to accompany a posting of the video (either alone or with a verse):


Psalm 127:3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Psalm 139: 13-16 13 For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. 16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.


A comment from Andy Smith: “I’ve never seen a video like this before. I have seen lots and lots of very gory and horrible things (as a firefighter and police officer), and honestly, nothing really gets to me anymore—I’ve pretty much seen it all. But this video is so disturbing to me. Not because of the gore or guts or whatever, but because of what I am witnessing, which in my opinion, is murder. I don’t know how we as a society ended up like this. I really don’t. I feel totally overwhelmed by what is going on in politics and in this country. We have an honest-to-God Marxist in the White House who is purposely dismantling this country and trampling the Constitution, and as Julie said, he is “for” partial birth abortions which is sickening and evil. I don’t know where all this is taking us, or where it will end. My guess is that it’s not going to be good.”

A comment from Jim Strohmeier: “What kind of inhuman monster can even perform such a procedure? (they went to medical school to learn this?) Liberals believe in this gruesome dismembering of an innocent child but have some issue with water boarding a terrorist Islamist who wishes to kill us? This video should be shown to all high school students at the end of the “sex” education course.”

A comment from Jim Garrow: “There is much to be accounted for in America. The newly released book, “The Harbinger” and its accompanying video, Isaiah 9:10, speak loudly and clearly of the judgement that is befalling America. Read the one and view the other. Your spirit will cry out in repentance.”

A comment from Pam McDonald: “HHS [Health and Human Services] has determined that since they do not have enough physicians to do the killing, midwives, nurses, nurse practitioners and physician assistants will be allowed to perform surgical abortions after a 6 hour training course! Nothing gets in the way of the globalist agenda of population control via infanticide.”

VIDEO: Baby Screams for help during an abortion procedure!

A comment from Eric Stolaski: “I like how you post this everyday.”

Hopefully this will prove to be a valuable tool to you when it comes to the political rhetoric of the secular terms – pro-choice and pro-life rather than the Biblical terms pro-God’s view and anti-God’s view.

God bless.

Paul Green


Please visit 2014 Matters – for what is still valuable insight during this transition period following the 2014 elections and the already manifested struggle to parry the opposition’s tangential thrusts through the 2016 presidential election (amnesty for illegal immigrants, internet neutrality and, most blatantly the fueling of riotous acts in Ferguson, Missouri and the attempt to expand it through “sympathy” challenges in other cities throughout the U.S. as prime examples of calculated attempts designed to detract us from what polling data still shows is important to the majority of Americans: the economy and jobs). Remember always to share this work with those in your sphere of influence should you find it to be an articulate and valuable resource.

Additionally, I invite you to join me at the Republican Party Group on LinkedIn where daily updates on relevant topics are posted that hopefully will prove valuable, as well.

Finally, know that I have published my thoughts on several other “issues of the day” that affect how we choose to look at ourselves as voters. Visit my profile page and take a look at the ones that interest you: for example,take a look at: Keep the word “accomplished” handy

And for those with STRONG MORAL CONVICTIONS (such as me), see: Christians, know the platform of the political Party that you support (last update: 4/5/20)

Source: Abortion shown and narrated on film from the baby’s perspective