Democrats block resolution condemning violent protests, because they don’t like President Trump (Op-ed)

Violent protests rock Minneapolis
Violent protests rock Minneapolis

WASHINGTON, DC  – The Senate met on Thursday to discuss a resolution condemning violent protests such as the ones currently plaguing the United States.

The overall language of the resolution should have been easily accepted by all members, both Democrat and Republican.

However, Democratic Senator Bob Mendez declared that he wanted to add a line into the language which barred any elected official from supporting or inciting mob violence.

Which sounds fine, except he added that he wanted to specifically mention the President.

When the resolution was met with resistance, Senator Mike Lee (representing Utah) made allegations that the senate Democrats were on the side of the violent protesters that he referred to as “dimwitted, phone drama addicts” for opposing his resolution.

The resolution was considered dead once Senator Mendez gave his objection.

In response to the objection, Senator Lee stated:

This is a statement that says mob violence is bad.  Democrats can’t say mob violence is bad without simultaneously taking a jab at the president of the United States?” 

Senator Lee believed that the resolution was supposed to be written in a manner that would be considered unifying.

He said:

You can’t really oppose this, it seems to me, without being on the side of the mobs, of mob violence, of mob mentality, of cruelty and intolerance and terror. I don’t think one can oppose this without being comfortable with those things.

Voicing his displeasure, Senator Lee continued by saying that those who participated in the riots were failed by their schools and have been wrongly taught to believe that they are victims, not citizens of the United States.

Senator Lee said:

“A privileged, self-absorbed crime syndicate with participation trophy graduate degrees, trying to find the meaning in empty lives by destroying things that other Americans have spent honest, productive lives building.”

Read full text: Law Enforcement today

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